Monday, January 17, 2011

Stay sunny San Diego

The sun is straight up as I approach the waters edge to take witness to sea life revealing its wet backside. It's lunchtime and I have this same route planned for the remainder of the week. The forecast calls for sun everyday, and as far as I'm concerned so does my epidermis.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and the marine layer is nonexistent with the exception of the sheer joy that blankets the tourists. There is a sweetness in the afternoon, as if the earths' summer is stirring. Time will pass until the fullness of the heat and long days grace those who inhabit and the travelers who find themselves in San Diego. Meanwhile I find solace in the afternoons that are a benefit for being a resident.

A couple's afternoon stroll

Near Broadway Pier, Downtown San Diego

A smile was irresistible while taking this shot
 Today consisted of many smiles and moments enthralled in beauty. I've been attracted to light and color lately. I took a picture on my drive home tonight. Once I returned home I finally put together a red bouquet of flowers.

On my way home from work. I stopped at Sunset Cliffs to watch the sunset (3rd day in a row)

My red bouquet 



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