Monday, July 26, 2010

To you, from thine own heart.

“Thank you.” I mean it from the depths of my heart. I have received amazing feedback and incredible encouragement to continue writing. Your emails, phone calls, text messages, and conversations have indicated the impact my expressions have had on you.

Since I was a little girl, I longed to make a difference and to one day see the influence I’ve had on people, and thus… that journey has begun.

To provide proof as to how much your encouragement means to me, I broke out a readily available box appropriately labeled “Words” that I keep on my desk at home. I have photographed its contents for your viewing pleasure. For several decades I have stowed away things as small as notes scribbled on café napkins to hand written 5 page letters. Each item is either words of thank you, affirmations, encouragement, or acknowledgements for the silliest of times I’ve spent with people. At any job I’ve ever had email at I create a file titled “W,” and I keep emails available for when I need a little pick me up in the day. It's simple, I save words because I cherish them. I am sharing this with you because I want you to experience the impact you not only have on me, but can have on the remaining world population that you so happen to grace your presence with. Whether its your written or your spoken word, you have the ability to contribute to the life of others.

When I was young my little brother and I each had a miniature mail drop that we’d leave outside our bedroom doors. For several weeks we would write notes and leave them in each other’s tin mailbox.  I found one of his notes that read, “I’re sary that I choket you and puncht you but I still love you and I hope we dont get in a fite.” (He was 6 when he wrote it.)

Here is a snap shot of my favorite book since 1996, the Thesaurus. It has been well loved and well-travelled.

 I would like to share with you what I’m up to with this blog. I have an intention and I suspect as time passes the direction may change. The current theme is to empower people, to move them, to bring you to moments of contemplation through the written word. I want you to enjoy the guilty pleasure of thinking about yourself and what moves you to feeling powerful and “fearless” so you have the ability to transport yourself there, day or night.

In the meantime, I wait in eagerness to hear what you’re doing in your life that moves you powerfully. What makes you, you? What lights a fire under your rump every morning, every afternoon, evening and night?

Your words are fuel to my fire. Thank you.



PS. I have interviewed fierce women on the topic of power and their experience of “fearlessness.” Many men have openly contributed their involvement in regards to what it’s like to be with their woman in her moment of fearlessness. The article is still underway, please stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. A challenege makes me feel "fearless"....because once that burning flame of the challenge has been put out....there is no longer fear....yet rather hope...hope for the next feat to conquer
